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Girls Minors Softball Rules

1.  Pitching distance will be 30 feet

2.  Bases will be at 60 feet.


1.  The maximum length of the game will be 5 innings or 70 minutes, whichever is first.  We will play the full 70 minutes and at that time the game will be stopped regardless of which team is batting.  Games will be more fun if umpires, coaches, and players hustle the game along between innings.  HUSTLE IN-HUSTLE OUT! PLAY BALL!  

2. With 2 outs the catcher may receive a courtesy runner.  The courtesy runner is the last out made.

3. Official score will be kept by the home team but league standings (wins, loses) will not be kept.  

4.  An 11 inch optic yellow will be used.

5.  The infield fly rule will not be used.

6.  Dropped third strike will not apply.

7.  We will not observe the 10 run rule to end the game.

8.  Plastic cleats or tennis shoes will be used.

9.  A batter’s helmet will be worn by all players while or deck, at bat and on base.  Full catcher’s gear is required.

10.  A batter must not throw the bat.  One team warning will be given and after that the batter will be out.

11.  Two coaches will be allowed between the foul lines while their team is on defense.

12.  At game time, if a team is fielding less than 7 players the coaches and umpire will organize the teams so that the attending players can play a game that night.


13All players will be placed in the batting order.  The complete order will bat per inning or 3 outs, whichever is first.  Coaches are to change the batting order from game to game.

14.  Bunting/slap hitting will be allowed.

15.  Hit by Pitch Rule: A batter will be awarded first base if they are hit by the pitch AND the following criteria is met: (1) The batter made an attempt to avoid being hit by the pitch, (2) The batter was not positioned in the strike zone (and the pitch was a strike), and (3) The batter did not attempt to swing at the pitch. In the case where a batter swings and the pitch hits her anyway, the ball is dead and a strike is called. If the batter does not attempt to avoid the pitch, she is not awarded first base, and the pitch is ruled either a strike if in the strike zone or a ball if out of the strike zone. A hit batsman will be awarded first base only if that is the team’s choice.


16.  10 players will play at one time.  There will be the regular number of infielders and 4 outfielders. Coaches are to rotate players into different defensive positions throughout the game. 


17No stealing will be allowed but runners may lead off when the ball is released by the pitcherA base runner can’t advance on a passed ball, wild pitch, pick off attempt,  or any  throw  back to the pitcher.

18.  A runner is allowed, at their risk, only one base on an overthrow at first base.

19.  The collision avoidance rule is in effect on any runner at any base when the ball is in the glove (in possession) of the fielder and she is attempting to make a tag.  In this instance, the runner must slide or attempt to avoid a collision with the fielder.  If not, the runner is out.


20.  No player may pitch more than 2 innings per game.  One pitch in an inning constitutes an inning pitched.

21.  Balls and strikes will be called.  No walks will be given.  If the count reaches 4 balls the offensive team’s coach will take over assuming the count (ie-4-0, 4-1, 4-2) with the umpire continuing to call strikes.  The batter at the plate may then hit the ball into fair play or could strike out.

22.  The pitcher’s circle is defined by an 8 ft. radius to the pitcher’s rubber.  The play is considered dead when  the ball is stopped inside the circle, whether it is controlled or not, the runners may not advance.

23.   Coaches are encouraged to make their batters swing at the ball.  Therefore, the strike zone will be from the knees to the shoulders.

24. Pitchers must wear a face mask


24.  Teach your players good sportsmanship.  Encourage you players to cheer for their teammates regardless of their ability or skill level.  Players and coaches should avoid remarks which might be insulting or humiliating to players on their team and to the players on the opposing team.

****Please clean up the dugout and surrounding area after the game or practice.  THANKS ! *******

Contact Us

Huntertown Lions Baseball and Softball

PO Box 124 
Huntertown, Indiana 46748

Phone: 260-267-5538
Email: [email protected]

Huntertown Lions Baseball and Softball

PO Box 124 
Huntertown, Indiana 46748

Phone: 260-267-5538
Email: [email protected]
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